Mostly, one of the main concerns of men is their hair loss and their appearance, which may reduce their self-esteem and increase their stress. Fortunately, hair loss or baldness is easily compensated by hair transplantation. The important feature of this method is to transplant hair in a way looking natural and other people not notice it by observing the person. In this method, the volume of transplanted hair and the site of transplantation are also important.
3D scan and hair transplantation
Many people are skeptical about doing hair transplantation because they are uncertain about the outcome. Also, in the usual way, the entire outcome is based on the physician’s opinion and the applicants’ desires might be missed out which can have an unpleasant effect on them.
In order to eliminate the problems mentioned above, Tarah Teb team has used the novel technology and combined medical science and engineering to provide a suitable solution in this regard. 3D scan before surgery, will help the applicants of hair transplantation to apply their desires to final model and be more satisfied. Changes can be applied to hair density, hair growth line, and hair transplantation sites.
3D hair transplantation steps
Step one
The applicant’s face and head are scanned accurately with the highest quality using the most advanced 3D scanner.

Step two
After 3D scanning, the applicant meets the doctor and designers who design the ideal hair pattern. The applicant can safely monitor and apply the favorable changes to achieve the desired outcome.

Step three
Based on the analyses and design, the physician performs hair transplantation at the specified areas to achieve the ideal outcome.