
Tarah Teb team with the use of novel medical and engineering technology, provides three-dimensional scan and surgical guides in order to facilitate rhinoplasty and reduce patients’ dissatisfaction after surgery.

Rhinoplasty with surgical guide

First step

Patient's face will be scanned by highly advanced 3D scanner.

مرحله اول جراحی بینی با قالب کنترلی

Second Step

After scanning, the applicant meets the doctor and designers who design the ideal face. The applicant can safely monitor and apply desirable changes to achieve the desired outcome and see his/her after surgery nose in 3D.

مرحله دوم جراحی بینی با قالب کنترلی

Third Step

Our expert engineers will analyze the face base of golden face ratio.

مرحله سوم جراحی بینی با قالب کنترلی

Fourth Step

In this stage the surgical guide which is unique to every patient will be produced by 3D printer.

مرحله چهارم جراحی بینی با قالب کنترلی

Fifth Step

Prior to surgery the surgical guides and related analysis will be examined by surgeon to ensure all is in order.

مرحله پنجم جراحی بینی با قالب کنترلی

Sixth Step

Surgery will begin and in each part of the surgery the surgeon examines the nose shape with surgical guides to ensure the patient will have his/her ideal nose shape and the surgery will end only when the nose match with surgical guides completely.

مرحله ششم جراحی بینی با قالب کنترلی

The results of rhinoplasty with surgical guides

تصویر قبل و بعد از جراحی بینی با قالب کنترلی تصویر قبل و بعد از جراحی بینی با قالب کنترلی 1

Rhinoplasty Consultation

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[from 10:30 to 20:30]
+98 21 91071259
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