Nose crookedness might be as a result of hereditary or trauma. Sometimes the nose is not crooked but might be after an unsuccessful rhinoplasty. Given the time and expense involved in rhinoplasty, this can be frustrating. Also, many people believe that a deviated nose is not surgically correctable, and if repaired, it will return to its original state sooner or later.
In order to answer these doubts, this article discusses the crooked nose after rhinoplasty and other related issues.
What is the cause of nose crookedness?
The nose has a pyramidal structure that, as mentioned, may be crooked due to hereditary and mismatched genes from the parent. This can be due to a lack of multiple cartilage asymmetry or straightness of the nasal bone.
The nose crookedness may not necessarily reflect the deviation of the septum. The nasal septum is a cartilage layer in the middle of the nose that divides the nasal cavity into two parts. If the septum deviates in the direction of nasal pyramid deviation, the person may have no difficulty breathing, but generally, the deviation of the nasal septum may lead to nasal congestion and breathing problems.
Also, trauma to the nose can disrupt the coordination of the cartilage or cause fractures and swelling of the bone, leading to a crooked nose.
Can a crooked nose be corrected by rhinoplasty?
Correction of the nose deviation is very difficult, but in fact, it is only possible with rhinoplasty. The surgeon needs to repair the entire skeleton, cartilage, and even the nasal bone to achieve a symmetrical appearance. If the nose crookedness is not corrected systematically during a nose job, it may return to its original state after surgery. However, it should be mentioned that the nose is a living structure and it is not like a sculpture that can be symmetrical in appearance with great precision. In fact, nose changes after surgery are not completely predictable and there is always a slight error. Choosing an experienced doctor will help you reduce this error.
In addition, using surgical guides that are made symmetrically can help the surgeon to create a symmetrical nose during the surgery and increase the rhinoplasty accuracy.

To evaluate nose crookedness after surgery, we should consider that sometimes the facial components are not symmetrical. In this case, no matter how skilled the surgeon is, the nose might not seem symmetrical. However, generally, the nose crookedness will be better by undergoing rhinoplasty, and its beauty will be improved.
Nose deviation after rhinoplasty
It is very unlikely that a straight nose becomes crooked due to a nose job. To judge the new appearance of the nose, the nasal swelling needs to be eliminated and the soft tissue of the nose accustomed to the previous structure should be fully adapted to the new nasal skeleton.
After about a week, the nasal splint is removed and the person can see her/his new nose for the first time. Although the nose is prettier at this time, it does change over time. After about a month and a half, much of the nasal swelling that is caused by surgical wounds disappears. However, it takes a year for the swelling that is caused by the accumulation of tissue fluid to be healed. In the first few weeks after the surgery, your nose swelling may make your nose seem crooked. In this condition, it is better to use nose tape to reduce swelling. It is recommended that this be continued for up to two weeks after removing the plaster and then continued only at nights. During the sleep, if the head is tilted, there is more swelling in the closer side to the ground due to gravity. Therefore, in the first weeks after the rhinoplasty, it is not possible to determine whether the nose is straight and symmetrical.
Due to the thickness of the skin in meaty noses, there is often more swelling in this type which takes longer time to heal. Also, it is recommended that use nose tape for a longer period.
Is secondary rhinoplasty useful?
If after one year, the nose crookedness remains, it can be improved by secondary rhinoplasty. Given that your surgeon knows better about the changes he applied, it is better to undergo rhinoplasty by him again. However, if you, after full consideration, are not satisfied with your previous surgeon's job at all, you can have consultations with other surgeons.
For doing secondary rhinoplasty, at least one year should pass because the swelling needs to be healed completely, and the final shape of the nose must be achieved. Also, previous surgical wounds need to be healed.